


During the course of performing official activities, different documents are created inside the office. Different types of written documents are used in office. Some documents are coming to office and some documents are to be send outside. These documents will be useful for future references. They should be preserved for future references in such a way that they are safe and easily retrievable whenever required. With the help of these documents new plans and policies can be prepared. Filing serves the systematic and scientific way of storing and preserving documents.

The filing system can be divided into traditional and modern systems. Misil and box filing are traditional systems of filing. Similarly, the flat and vertical filing system are modern filing systems.

Filing is the process of organizing the document and records in a proper and systemic manner for future reference.
According to J.C Denyer, "Filing is the process of arranging and storing records so that they can be located when require."

Important Question Answer:

1)What is filing? What are the objectives and importance of filing? 
Filing is the process of organizing the document and records in a proper and systemic manner for future reference.

According to J.C Denyer, "Filing is the process of arranging and storing records so that they can be located when required."

Objectives/Importance of filing:
The following are the objectives of filing;
a) To collect documents: The primary objective is to collect document from different sources.
b) To preserve the documents: The other objective of filing is to maintain safety and preserve them safely so that we can easily get in future without any delay.
c) To provide evidence of past event: The documents preserved in files can be used as evidence against any sort of disputes between or among employees and management or two different organizations. Hence, filing provides the necessary evidence to a particular agreement or contract.
d) To provide information: Information means notice and knowledge. The filing only can preserve various important documents containing information. So, we can get information whenever required. The information are provided to the shareholder, customers, suppliers, government at the time of necessity.
e) To provide promptness in the work: Filing brings speed in the functioning of routine works by making the required documents and letters available to the staffs quickly at the time of need.
f) To make plans and policies: Past records are essential for making plans and policies. It is only possible when there is good filing system.

Types of Filing System:
i) Traditional Filing Method
a) Misil Filing
b) Box Filing
ii) Modern Filing Method
a) Horizontal Filing
b) Vertical Filing

Method of Filing:


Filing is done to keep the record safely and retrieve when necessary. There are different method to keep file. Some of them are discussed below;

1) What is Alphabetical Filing Method?
Ans: The process of arranging and classifying documents in a drawer or cabinet in order of alphabets on the basis of their names is called alphabetical filing. Alphabets are arranged as per the dictionary system in this method. For example; A, B, C, D, ....................Z alphabets in English.

Advantages of Alphabetical Filing Method:
a) It is simple and easy to operate.
b) There is no need for any separate indexing for this kind of filing.
 c) It is economical.
d) It is flexible as the required additional documents can be added and the unnecessary files can be easily remove.
e) This system is very appropriate for small as well as big organizations.

Disadvantages of Alphabetical Filing Method:
a) It is difficult to arrange the documents whose of those person whose names are same.
b) Secrecy cannot be maintained as the name of person or organizations are written at the top and any person can access easily.
c) It is not suitable for large organization where documents and files are uncountable.
d) Chance of misfiling because of wrong spelling of words or names.

2) Numerical Filing Method:

The act or process of arranging the documents and letters of an individuals or organizations according to serial number is known as numerical filing method. The files are arranged in order of numbers i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...............for the identification of files.

Advantages of Numerical Filing Method:

a) It is flexible because numbers of documents can be added and deducted as per the need.
b) It is comparatively more confidential than alphabetical filing method.
c) Easy to arrange the files according to serial number.
d) Easy and prompt to locate the files because separate index is provided.
e) It is scientific and systematic method.

Disadvantages of Numerical Filing Method:

a) Expensive as compared to alphabetical method because it need separate index, drawers and trained staff is needed.
b) Time consuming because it takes more time to arrange and take out the file.
c)Unsuitable for small organizations.
d) It is more complex and difficult to understand.
e) Qualified staff having special knowledge of filing is required.

Difference between Alphabetical filing and Numerical filing method:

S.No Alphabetical Filing Method Numerical Filing Method
1 Files are arranged on the basis of alphabets. Files are arranged on the basis of numbers.
2 Low secrecy can be maintained. More secrecy can be maintained.
3 Name, address, phone numbers, etc are written on the face of the file. Only numbers is written on the face of the file.
4 It is economical. It is expensive than alphabetical method.
5 Staff with no special knowledge of filing also can maintain the files under this method. Staff with special knowledge of filing is required to arrange this type of filing method.

3) Geographical Filing Method:

The process of arranging and classifying documents and letters on the basis of the name of place like regions, districts, zones, cities, villages, and blocks is called geographical filing method. The main geographical region is sub-divided into smaller places.

Advantages of Geographical Filing Method:

a) It is simple to understand and easy to handle.
b) Both alphabetical and numerical filing method can be adopt under this method.
c) Suitable for those offices which deals with several places.
d) It consumes less time in locating the required documents because of provisions of separate geographical guide.

Disadvantages of Geographical Filing Method:

a) It is an expensive method because a separate index is required.
b) It is difficult to locate the file of different people.
c) It needs trained and expert staff.
d) Less secrecy as the names of places are written on the files.

4) Subject Filing Method:

The process of arranging all the documents on the basis of a particular subject is called subject filing method. Under this system, documents are classified into different subjects and sub-subjects.

Advantages of subject filing method:

a) It is simple and easy to operate.
b) It is flexible as it has greater capacity of expansion.
c) It is easier to locate documents.
d) All the documents related to one subject can be available in one files.

Disadvantages of subject filing method:

a) It is very expensive.
b) Difficult to locate file when subjects are not mentioned.
c) It is not suitable to large organizations.
d) This method cannot be used for miscellaneous documents due to having no specific subject.

Modern Filing System - Vertical and Horizontal Filing System

Q1) What is vertical filing system? List its advantages and disadvantages.
Ans: The way of keeping on files vertical or standing position in the support of each other is called vertical filing system.

Advantages of Vertical Filing System:

a) The document remain very safe as a special kind of folder and drawer is used.
b) It is very suitable for large organizations as large number of documents can be place in its folder.
c) It maintains secrecy.
d) It is flexible.
e) Easy to find out.

Disadvantages of Vertical Filing System:

a) Time consuming.
b) It is comparatively more costly as special kind of folders and drawers are needed.
c) Expert and experience personnel is required to maintain this type filing system.
d) It cannot be afforded by small organizations having limited sources.
e) Chance of missing paper as it is loosely kept.

Q2) What is Horizontal Filing System? What are its merits and demerits?
Ans: The system of filing where files are kept one upon another is a sleeping or horizontal or flat position is called Horizontal Filing System. There are two methods of horizontal filing method;
i) Flat File
ii) Lever (Arch) File

Merits/Advantages of Horizontal Filing System:

a) It is easy to and understand and operate.
b) It is suitable for small as well as large organizations.
c) It consumes less space as files are kept one upon other.
d) It is more safety as documents are tied with lace.
e) It is economical.

Demerits/Disadvantages of Horizontal Filing System:

a) It is not flexible.
b) It need more time for punching, fastening and loosening the lace or clip.
c) Documents cannot be increase after certain limit.
d) Chance of getting the lost of evidence due to the possibility of disappearing words and figure while punching the documents.
e) Difficult to locate the required document or file quickly.

Q3) What are the difference between Horizontal and Vertical Filing System?
Ans: The following are the difference between horizontal and vertical filing system;
S.No Horizontal Filing Vertical Filing
1 Files are kept one upon other in a flat/horizontal position. Files are kept in a standing/vertical position.
2 It is suitable for both small and large organization. It is suitable for large organizations only.
3 Documents are kept in files by tying with lace or clips. Documents are kept in loose position.
4 It needs more space. It needs less space as compared with other.
5 It is not flexible. It is flexible.

Traditional System of Filing

Q1) Introduce traditional filing and explore differences between misil system and box filing.
Ans: The filing system based on traditional and old fashioned mostly used by small or government offices still in our country is called traditional filing method.
The following are the differences between Misil system and Box filing:
Misil Filing Box filing
Documents are preserved in the pieces of clothes. Documents are preserved in a box having hinges.
It is mostly used in government and administrative offices. It is used in all kinds of offices.
Documents are not safe in this system. It ensures maximum protection to documents and papers.
It is comparatively more economical than box filing. It is bit more expensive than misil filing.

Q2) What is misil filing? Show its merits and demerits.
Ans: The systematic way of keeping all the documents related to a particular case in a red piece of cloth especially in an administrative and court office is called misil filing. The documents are arranged in a chronological order.

Merits/Advantages of Misil Filing:

a) It is simple to understand and use. b) It is easy to find because it is equipped with specific number. c) It is economical because it does not need any special equipment. d) It is flexible.

Demerits/Disadvantages Misil Filing:

a) It is unscientific and unsuitable for the offices other than court.
 b) It consumes more time in punching and filing the document.
c) It is difficult and time consuming to locate the documents.
d) It is not a safe kind of filing because the files are kept on floor or in open drawers.

Q3) Define box filing. What are its merits and demerits?
Ans: The system of keeping documents of temporary nature in a special type of wooden or metal box and card board is called box filing system.

Merits/Advantages of Box Filing:

a) It is simple and economical. b) The documents remain safe as the box can be locked. c) The document gets less dust. d) It consumes less space.

Demerits/Disadvantages of Box filing:

a) It is not used by modern organization. b) It is less flexible. c) It is not appropriate for permanent documents and large organization. d) It consumes more time in locating a documents.
What is indexing? Point out its importance. Ans: Indexing is the act of providing indicator to a file and collection of record o make items easier to retrieve. The literary meaning of indexing is an indicator or guide. Indexing is an important aid to filing. Filing without indexing is incomplete.


Importance of Indexing:

The following are the importance of indexing;
 a) It helps to locate the required information of files properly.
 b) It increases the efficiency of office works.
 c) It saves time and effort while searching document.
d) It helps in arranging and preserving the important documents in a systematic and scientific manner.
e) It gives the details information of correspondence.

Office Procedure

Office Procedure


Every business organizations have their own business goal. To achieve their business goal, they have to perform different works. These works/activities should be performed by following certain rules and regulations which is known as office procedures. Office procedures are the specific techniques and ways to carry out the official activities properly for making decision. A decision maker needs information, facts, data and statistics for making important decisions about different matters in special condition. It is the formal process of making decisions necessary for performing office jobs. There are number of components of office procedures as tippani, report, resolution etc. 

Meaning of Office Procedure

An office is a place where different organizational activities are performed to achieve the stated objectives. These activities should be performed by following certain rules and regulations. Procedures are the sequential and logical steps developed to get the jobs done. Hence, office procedures are formal process followed by an organization to collect the necessary information for making efficient and effective decisions.

According to Neuner and Keeling, "A procedure is a planned sequence of operations for handling recurring business transaction uniformly and consistently.

1) What is Tippani?

Ans: Tippani is a written statement of facts, information, related rules and regulations, opinions and suggestions prepared by Lower Level staffs and submitted to the upper level staffs for final decision.
Objectives of tippani:
To inform the concerned person about the problem and situation.
To provide guidelines for making decision in future.
To support in formation of new plans and policies.
To produce as proof whenever required.
To clarify and amend unclear of current laws, rules and regulations.

2) What are the points to be considered while drafting Tippani?

Ans: While drafting Tippani, it must include the related facts, information, rules and regulations in an orderly manner.
Therefore, following points should be considered while drafting Tippani
a) Subjects of Tippani should be mentioned on the top.
b) It should be simple, clear, meaningful and to the point.
c) Necessary supportive documents should be enclosed orderly.
d) It should reflect the opinions, suggestions and recommendations of all the related authorities.
e) It must be duly signed by the tippani writer for its legal validity.

3) Define office procedure. Point out the importance of office procedures.

Ans: Office procedures are the set of rules or policies guiding the operations of an office or business to achieve their business goal.

According to Neuner and Keeling, "A procedure is a planned sequence of operations for handling recurring business transaction uniformly and consistently.
The following are the importance of office procedures:
a) For performance of office related jobs in organized and uniform way.
b) For abiding by the law of appropriate region where the business is functioning.
c) For proper solution to organizational problems by listening and implementing the opinions, ideas and information from even lower level staffs.
d) To complete the official work in time.

4) What do you mean by report? What are its objectives?

Ans: A report is a kind of analytical statement of all the activities done by an office authorized person,
commission, committee or an organization or project during a certain period of time.
According to George R. Terry, "Report is a written statement based on a collection of facts, events and opinions and usually expresses a summarized and interpretative value of this information.
It may deal with past accomplishment present condition or probable future development."
The following are the main objectives of reports:
a) To provides different kinds of information found from study, research, inspections, and investigations to the general public.
b) To stand as basis for making decision.
c) To guide the way of carrying out official activities to staff as it contains suggestions too.
d) To make future plans and policies by providing information.
e) To inform the concerned authority regarding official situation and the progress.

5) What are the types of report?

Ans: Report is the output or conclusion of certain investigations, study or research. Following are the various types of reports:
Annual Report
The report covering the activities, progress and achievements made in a particular year is called Annual Report.
It is prepared by all kinds of organizations to measure their performance over the year.
In companies, annual report comprising of financial documents is presented at general meeting for approval by shareholders.
Government Report
A government is always accountable to general public. So a report is prepared by government to make people aware about its activities, plans, policies, revenues or incomes, expenditures etc. which is called a government report.
Based on this report, people can judge on the efficiency of the government.
Audit Report
A report regarding the preparation and communication of financial information of an organization prepared by the auditor is called audit report.
It checks whether financial transactions are carried out within existing rules and regulations. Auditor General and independent auditor prepares the audit report for government organization and public company respectively.
Academic Report
A report prepared by students or academic institution after completion of the examination or study or research is called academic report.
The content of the report is related to educational or academic activities.
Committee Report
A committee is group of experts formed to achieve a particular objective by carrying out certain activities. The very report prepared by members of committee after
completion of designated job is called committee report. It is submitted to concerned authority for approval and implementation.

6) Mention the points to be considered while drafting a report.

Ans: Report being a significant document for an organization should be prepared by skilled and experienced staffs by following standard procedures.
Following factors should be taken into consideration while drafting a report:
The title of report along with date and subject should be established on top of the report.
The time frame covered by the report should be clear.
The information should be represented in such manner that they are comprehensive and communicative.
Report must incorporate the opinions and suggestions of the report writer.
Finally, report must be duly signed by the preparer to retain its validity.

7) What is resolution? What are its objectives?

Ans: Resolution is a written document which is presented in the meeting by the concerned member for open discussion and take the decision.
The objectives and importance of resolutions are given below;
a) To make effective plans and policies.
b) To help for making effective decision.
c) To collect and solve the problems of organization in democratic way.
d) To give legal formation of the decision and help for handling disputes and misunderstanding.
e) To make necessary rules and regulations.

8) Explain the different types of Resolutions.

Ans: The subject of discussion presented in a meeting is called resolution. As per the Company Act 2063, resolutions have been broadly divided into two categories:
i) Ordinary Resolution:
The subject matter which is presented in the meeting for smooth running of an organization is called ordinary resolution. This is regular type of resolution. When a majority of shareholders
having more than 50% of the total paid up shares forward a proposal in the company meeting, there is an ordinary resolution. The matters generally discussed through this resolution are:
Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet, appointment of directors and their remunerations, declaration of dividends etc.
ii) Special Resolution:
The resolution presented in the board meeting or annual general meeting of a company comprising some special and urgent matters or issues to be discussed is called a special resolution.
When a resolution presented by the majority of shareholders having at least 75% of the company shares, it is called special resolution. issuance of bonus shares, winding up of company,
changing of the company name, capital, etc. are some examples of special resolution.

Difference Between Ordinary Resolution and Special Resolution:

S.No Ordinary resolution Special resolution
1 It is a regular types of resolution forwarded for simple cases. It is an irregular types of resolution forwarded for special cases.
2 Decision of subject matter is taken by simple majority. Decision is taken by special majority. At least acceptance 75% of shareholders.
3 It is presented in regular meeting. It is presented in special meeting.
4 The simple matter like discussion of audit report, dividend and bonus declaration appointment of director and auditor etc. comes under ordinary resolution. The major subject matters like merging, changing name, purpose, address, capital of company, liquidation of company, converting from private to public or public to private comes under special resolution.
 How to Improve Memory Power

How to Improve Memory Power

 How to Improve Your Memory


Tips and Exercises to Sharpen Your Mind and Boost your Brainpower

A strong memory depends on the health and vitality of your brain. Whether you're a student studying for final exams, a working professional interested in doing all you can to stay mentally sharp, or a senior looking to preserve and enhance your grey matter as you age, there are lots of things you can do to improve your memory and mental performance.

Improving your memory: 9 tips for boosting brain power at any age:

They say that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but when it comes to the brain, scientists have discovered that this old adage simply isn’t true. The human brain has an astonishing ability to adapt and change—even into old age. This ability is known as neuroplasticity. With the right stimulation, your brain can form new neural pathways, alter existing connections, and adapt and react in ever-changing ways.

The brain’s incredible ability to reshape itself holds true when it comes to learning and memory. You can harness the natural power of neuroplasticity to increase your cognitive abilities, enhance your ability to learn new information, and improve your memory at any age. 

These 9 tips can show you how:
Give your brain a workout.
Don't skip the physical exercise.

Focus on the subject matter.
Make time for friends.

Meditating for at least 15 to 30 minutes each day physically changes your brain, making you less anxious, and more rational and empathetic.
Have a laugh .
Get enough sleep.
Eat a brain-boosting diet.
Identify and treat health problems.
Take practical steps to support learning and memory.

Drink enough water. The brain is made up of roughly 80% water; when your brain is chronically dehydrated, it does not function properly.