Final Account || Balance Sheet
Items to be recorded in the Capital and Liabilities side of Balance Sheet
- Capital
- Net profit or loss
- Drawing
- Bills payable
- Bank Overdraft
- Creditors
- Loan
- Reserve fund
- Outstanding expenses
Items to be recorded in the Assets side of Balance Sheet
All assets are recorded here
- Current assets:
- Cash in hand
- Cash at bank
- Bills receivable
- Debtors
- Closing stock
- Fixed Assets:
- Tangible fixed assets: building, machinery, furniture, motor, etc.
- Intangible fixed assets: good will, copy-right, patents, trade marks, etc
Example1: Prepare balance sheet of Sharma Guest House, Saptari on the last of Asar 2073 from the given transactions:
Parrticular | Amount | Particular | Amount |
Capital | 5,83,000 | Net profit | 1,98,000 |
Machinery | 26,000 | Cash Balance | 22,000 |
Debtors | 17,000 | Bills payable | 54,000 |
Reserve fund | 65,000 | Business premises | 8,35,000 |
Balance Sheet of Sharma Guest House As on 31st Ashar. 2073
Balance Sheet of Sharma Guest House As on 31st Ashar. 2073
Capital and Liabilities | Amount | Assets | Amount |
Capital................ 5,83,000 Add: Net Profit.. 1,98,000 |
7,81,000 | Machinery | 26,000 |
Bills Payable | 54,000 | Cash Balance | 22,000 |
Reserve Fund | 65,000 | Debtors | 17,000 |
Business Premises | 8,35,000 | ||
900,000 | 900,000 |
Example2: Prepare balance sheet of Mahakali Guest House Pvt. Ltd. As on Ashar 31 according to the following particulars
Particular | Amount | Particular | Amount |
Capital | 7,52,000 | Debtors | 25,000 |
Goodwill | 13,000 | Bank Overdraft | 60,000 |
Net profit | 1,38,000 | Reserve fund | 50,000 |
Furniture | 4,00,000 | Land and Building | 5,62,000 |
Balance Sheet of Sharma Guest House
As on 31st Ashar. 2073
Capital and Liabilities | Amount | Assets | Amount |
Capital.......... ......7,52,000 Add: Net Profit... 1,38,000 |
8,90,000 | Debtors | 25,000 |
Bank Overdraft | 60,000 | Goodwill | 13,000 |
Reserve Fund | 50,000 | Furniture | 4,00,000 |
Land and Building | 5,62,000 | ||
10,00,000 | 10,00,000 |
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